Service is something which we find very important. If you have questions about our products, our company or any other question related to who we are and what we do you can always contact us.
You can expect from us to receive a great quality product.
Our products are made to our highest quality standards and made to last LONGER THAN most other brands!
However, Due to the nature of the game, and the way products for canoe polo are used, damage caused by using the product are excluded for warranty.
Payment & Bank references
All payments should be done to the below mentioned account. Payment by credit card / Paypal can be additionally charged depending on the amount and type of product. We do not accept cheques.
Bank references
Company name:
Double Dutch Sports
I-BAN number
NL83 RABO 0129 3702 74
BIC address
Rabobank, Nuenen
BIC code
REG. #
Eindhoven, NL
Service contact information
De Sleutel 6
5652 AS Eindhoven
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
+31 40 285 55 05
General terms & conditions
All our services are subject to our General Terms and Conditions. These can be requested to us by e-mail.
Prices and information on this website
No right can be claimed fomr information and prices mentioned on this website. Price and specification can change without prior notice.
Of course we do all we can to avoid spec changes and wrong information!
Delivery / Transport
Delivery costs will be charged on all orders. We use standard ( POSTNL) delvery service which will usually take 3-14 days for delivery. ( we are not resposible for late deliveries )
Cost of shipment depends on delivery location. Providing us with the correct delvery address/details is the responsiblty of buyer.
- Cost for paddle delivery between € 15 and 45 per paddle.
- Cost for kayak transport in EU between € 85 and € 135 per kayak. ( real cost are higher, DDS contributes about 25-50% on each kayak shipment ) All other destinations on request. Delivery of a kayak must be done to an address where during working hours somenone is avaialble to receive the parcel. This is buyers responsibilty to provide us the correct details. In case delvery should be done to a different address from mentioned on the invoice this should be notified to us immedialty after receival of the invoice/delivery note. In case our courier cannot deliver at first attempt a surcharge of 35% ( of the actual transport cost ) will be charged to buyer in full.
If you need your product quickly you can request EXPRESS delivery ( SEABOURNE / DHL ) . Full cost will be charged to buyer in case we can provide this service.
Damage insurance
Damage caused in shipment is at risk of buyer.
Insurance ( € 6.75 per paddle / € 35 per boat ) is included in all deliveries /traonsports arranged by DD-sports. We advise you to check the parcel upon arival for damages. In order to make use of the Insurance it is obliged to check the parcel and products packed inside the parcel upon arival. In case of any damage it must be notified to the delivery serive( driver ) immediatly. Make pictures of the damages and notify us within 24 hours with an explanation of the damage and pitcutes of the damage. ( not applicable for our dealers ) If you received a damaged product please fill our our INSURANCE form.
Quick replacement service
We will make sure you receive replacement products as soon as possible. Before we can send you the replacements the damaged product(s) have been shipped back to us.
How we work?
We sell our paddle thru a worldwide dealer-network. Because the world is big, and our network not fully covers all contintent and area’s we also sell direct to end users. If you live near a local dealer we strongly recommand to purchace a paddle from them. They can give you advise, and better service in case of any problem. If you don’t live near a shop that sells our paddles we are of course more than happy to help you choose the right paddle. Paddles can be ordered in our STORE.
We do not accept orders placed via FACEBOOK, MESSENGER or any other social media.
Orders should be placed preferably in our store, or by e-mail. If you place your order by email please mention: your name, delivery address, Phone number, email address, the type, name size of the product(s) you would like to order.
Choose your paddle
We can help you choose the paddle of your needs. Most of our customers already know what paddle the need/want. But we understand you might need help to figure out specific details of the paddles. It’s easy, just ask us.
Production methods & materials
Production methods & materials Foam-core, Semi-core & Fusion-concept
We have 3 main production mehods we use to make our paddles. Foam core is used for our polo, slalom, dragon & rafting paddles. The core is PVC made in shape by CNC. Foam core paddles are mega stiff and strong. The bigger blade volume gives extra strength to the blades. Semi-core is our own developed ( secret ) production method. Our whitewater, sea, touring and sup paddles are made by this technique. The blades are lighter, super thin to cut easilly thru the water but also very strong compared to similar paddels from other paddle manufactures. Fusion-concept is a clasical way of making paddles also used by other paddle companies. We make a selection of our whitewater paddles with this technique. What we do different is the materials we use, in conbination with the ultra high pressure. This make our fusion-concept paddles better.
Our paddles are made of high-tech materials. This assures the best performance and quality. However, this does not mean the paddles are indestructable and restant to everything. UV (sun) light is powerful and works on the materials. This decreases the lifetime and quality of the paddle. This negative effect is not so big on our SEMI-CORE and FUSION CONCEPT paddles but has bigger effect on our FOAM-CORE paddles. The FOAM-CORE is compressed in our production process to increase the strength. What happens if the paddle is out in extreme heat it that the foam will expand a few %. This will be visable on the blade surface. We advise you to keep your paddle away from extreme heat and direct sunlight if you are not on the water. Best is to store it in a dark place or a paddle protection bag.
How to assemble paddles (blades onto shaft)
We very strongly recommend the use of a 2 part epoxy glue for the assembly of all joints (blade to shaft, shaft centre connections, etc.). ( ARALDIT. PATTEX,... )
In the case you use hot glue ( thermoplastic glue) for assembly then unfortunately we will not be able to offer any warranty for the damage on the blade/shaft join.
Using hot glue is risky. The chance of over heating the blade stub is big and will reduce the strength of the blade drastically.
For this reason no warranty is given on blades that break within 5 cm of the blade shaft joint. Also the risk of damaging the shaft is bigger. Plastic is flexible. This flex causes the blade to move inside the shaft. Even if you dont feel this, it moves with each stroke. The more it moves, the bigger chance of breaking / splitting the shaft. A shaft that splits in lenght direction is also excluded for warranty. ( this is applicable if glued with hotglue and also if not correctly assambled and gleud with epoxy glue )
Instructions on how to assemble the blades together with shafts : ( Use gloves when you work with an epoxy resin.)
- The ends of shafts and the interior of blade necks must be sanded with sandpaper ( grid 80 / 120 )
- Put the 2 pieces of black heat schrink over the shaft and the grey peices of foam inside the shaft about 8cm deep.
- Prepare the epoxy resin and mix well.
- Spread the epoxy resin on both surfaces of the shaft and the interior of the blade neck.
- Put the blade on the shaft and twist with the blade so that the epoxy resin is spread uniformly on all cleaned surfaces of blade and shaft .
- Remove the excess epoxy resin
- Put the black peices of heat schrink over the blade-shaft join and careflully heat it up to get the heat schrink fit tight over the blade-shaft join.
- Keep the paddle in horizontal position for at least 4 hours until the epoxy resin is hardened. The resin is hard after 4 hours but you can paddle after 24 hours.
Sponsoring Riders & Ambassadors
We offer a sponsorship program for world class paddlers and upcoming talents.
Contact us if you think you fit in our RIDER & AMBASSADOR team. The information we need from you is:
Name, age, address, Phone ( mobile) number, your kayak/Canoe dicipline, your motivation of why you fit in our team and of course your paddling CV with results & goals.
send your mail to:
Clubs & teams
Canoe polo, rafting, dragon teams & clubs are able to receive a discount on our retail price for big orders. The discount depends on the the quantity, and type of paddles. In case there is a local dealer near your location the “deal”will be made with our local dealer. All requests should be made to
Competition paddles
Paddles used in whitewater, polo, slalom, rafting and other competitions (& training) get to withstand extreme ( sometimes excessive ) impact due to the rough nature of the game/sport. Our paddles are made according to our highest standard. We use a production systems which is extremely consistent. This creates a product with a very consistent and very high quality. Each product is quality checked after it is produced. Warranty is given if the product is not made according to our standard. This also means that damages like a break, a hole or any other damage caused due to incorrect use or assembly, contact with another paddle, kayak, a goal or any other extreme impact during a game or training is excluded for warranty. Normal wear of the product, damage due to excessive impact or incorrect use are in all cases excluded for warranty. Our advice is to check the product at the moment you buy it or if you bought it online immediately when you receive it. If you have any concern regarding the quality we advise you to contact the shop where you bought the product.
– Blades are tested on strength and quality before they leave our factory.
– Most damages are not caused due to manufacturing failures but to excessive impact.
– Polo & ww blades are made for a 26,5 mm internal diameter shaft so not for any other diameter shaft.
– If blades are fitted to another than an original doubledutch shaft the blade stub is in all cases excluded for warranty.
We try to make the paddles as light as possible with the perfect resin content.
We work “as dry as possible” and with a lot of pressure to make the lightest yet strongest blades. It sometimes happens that there are some little visual imperfections on the blade. This cannot be avoided in production and therefor has to be accepted if you purchase a competition paddle from us. This does not effect the quality at all. It is absolutely only superficial and a visual matter. Of course, if this viusual imperfection turns out to be a constructional problem we will fix the problem correctly.
Paddle delivery
Paddles will be delivered un-assembled. This is to avoid extremely high shipping cost.
Shipping companies calculate the cost for a parcel by the volume of the box, not by the actual weight.
A paddle in parts is up to 60% smaller than a fully assembled paddle.
On request we can make a quote for shipping cost of a fully assembled paddle(s).